Success! Time to get started...
Welcome to The Movement! A Credit Repair Professional will call you shortly to begin your FREE credit evaluation. To start now, call 1-888-779-0511 to speak with an agent immediately!
To prepare and inform yourself for your Credit Consultation, it is helpful to review your Credit Score on all 3 Bureaus. Get your Credit Score for $1 with our partner Identity IQ.
Your Credit Movement login has been sent to your email. Your Username is your email and your password is 'new2tcm'.
Action Items:
1. *Special new member bonus* Order your hard copy of The Credit Movement Book - only pay shipping Click Here
2. Open your email - Login to the members area ->Here<- and follow the steps 1, 2, 3...
3. Join the Facebook group - Post 'Getting Started' to let us know you are ready.
4. READ THE BOOK! - Digital copy included: All the secrets and loopholes Ryan uses to jump 100 points in 30 days are here.
5. Use the video tutorials and ASK questions in the Facebook group.
6. That's it, we'll walk you through each step! Welcome!
Click HERE for your instant download of Ryan's Cheat Sheet!
What people are saying...
Thank you so much for all you do. It's people like you who make dreams happen.
I had $62,973.56 in credit card debt and a credit score of 440 when I found The Credit Movement. After following the system I'm now debt free and my score is 820.
It was like clockwork. I can't say enough good things about this company. I am in such a better position than I was a year ago. The process was so smooth.