Home Enhanced Techniques Filing Complaints (BBB, CFPB, Office of Attorney General)

Filing Complaints (BBB, CFPB, Office of Attorney General)

Filing Complaints (BBB, CFPB, Office of Attorney General)

Filing a formal complaint is an effective way to get the credit bureaus or your creditors to take action on your requests. It is important to follow through on filing complaints if you are not getting your desired results using the letters in the book.

You can even file complaints online easily. Be as detailed as possible!

To file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau go to: Go to https://www.bbb.org/consumer-complaints/file-a-complaint/get-started

For a complaint with the Consumer Financial, Protection Bureau go to: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/getting-started/

To file a complaint with the Office of The Attorney General:

Make sure to file the complaint to the headquarter of that company

Always file the complaint to a headquarter of Google where to file an Attorney General complaint for that state. Most states allow you to file the complaint online.

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